Awareness raising and advocacy
OIC Australia is supporting OIC Cambodia’s to conduct awareness raising and advocacy activities that will:
Increase the demand for the speech therapy profession, and the commitment to developing this profession
Raise awareness of the needs and rights of people with communication disabilities
Promote community inclusion for people with communication disabilities
OIC Australia does this by:
Developing print, radio and other media materials that communicate key messages for community, professionals and government
Designing awareness raising and advocacy campaigns (social media, national or community level) to grow understanding of speech therapy as a profession
Designing awareness raising and advocacy campaigns to highlight issues for people who have communication and swallowing difficulties
Monitoring community, professional and government attitudes, knowledge and practices towards people with communication difficulties
Targeted advocacy for inclusion of people with communication difficulties in education, health, and disability services
Promoting “Day Without Speech” within Cambodia Society (business, school, organizations) to increase people’s understanding of communication difficulties